Sweekar special school caters to individual needs of children coming from all sections of the
society. At school, the programme focuses on over all development of the child depending
on the need as well as the potential.
After detailed assessment by special educator, psychologist, speech and occupational
therapist, students are divided into groups according to their chronological age, mental age
and functional level.
The individualised program is made for each child with the help of multidisciplinary team.
Parents are equally involved in this process and priority is also given to the parents for
setting goals. After every three months progress of every child is assessed and on the basis
of performance short term goals are planned for the next quarter. In this process teachers
and parents are equal partners for setting goals in the IEP along with behavioural issues and
vocational need of the child.
In school,
Wide range of services provides in the school i.e. special education, speech therapy,
occupation therapy, behavioural therapy. IQ Assessment, yoga , music and dance ,
community services, NIOS and vocational training